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IoT Smart Building Platform for Suwon City

IoT Smart Building Platform for Suwon City

For enterprises and local municipalities, we have provided an IoT-enabled smart building energy management platform, which can be deployed in buildings with and without building automation systems (BAS). Using a wide variety of protocols, the platform interfaces with building systems and facilities and collects facility, environment, space and energy data in real time to optimize building operations with AI and ultimately achieve energy performance goals. This highly scalable platform can be deployed for various IoT devices and services.

As a cloud platform, it collects facility, environment, space and energy data via standard industrial and IoT data transmission protocols. Based on the data collected, the machine learning engine performs preventive maintenance of facilities, energy demand forecasts and peak power forecasts. The rule engine performs context-aware adaptive control in real time, which helps optimize building operations and save energy. By analyzing energy efficiency by type of building, end-use, and space, it also implements optimal energy management policy to achieve energy performance goals.

NTELS Smart Building Platform was deployed in public buildings in Suwon City to provide optimal management building facilities, environment, and energy using the urban 3D map and 3D spatial modeling. With the M&V (Measurement & Verification) engine using a standard algorithm, IPMVP (International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol) as well as data intelligence technology with deep-learning, the platform can quickly measure energy performance and determine energy efficiency.

Client : Suwon City
Technology : Hybrid Gateway Platform, IoT Platform, Intelligence Engine (Data Analytics, LSTM-RNN AI Engine, Adaptive Control Module), IBMS Service Platform (IBMS, BEMS, IEQ), Urban 3D Map/3D Spatial Modeling Module, M&V Engine (IPMVP)
Use Case : Suwon City (Paldal-gu Office Building and 100 more)


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