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[NEWS] nTels reached its 3Q sales goal

nTels, the software solutionㆍplatform service provider, is expecting to reach the highest sales output this year based on the benefit of increasing LTE (long term evolution) service.

nTels announced on Oct. 24th that they made a KRW 3.5B (USD 3M) contract with SK C&C for providing data charging solution. The contract ends at April of 2012. This contract takes 9.21% of last year’s total sales.

A member of nTels explained, “Increased use of smart phone also increased network data traffic. And more telecommunication companies are preparing to cope with this huge unavoidable stream”.

The rise of LTE service is expected to give nTels great opportunities. The new service will increase data transmission, which will lead to high demand for relevant devices.

nTels is foreseeing that it will mark the highest sales output in this year since its establishment. With all these positive trends of the market, it is expecting to reach the total sales of KRW 45B (USD 40M) and KRW 6B (USD 5.2M) for the net profit.

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